Preservation Easements

Upstate Preservation Trust was founded, in part, to hold preservation easements on historic properties across Upstate South Carolina. We are actively working to expand our operations so that we can actively hold preservation easements.

If you are interested in placing a preservation easement on your property, reach out to us at for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Disclaimer: Please note that the information offered by the Upstate Preservation Trust is intended to provide general guidance only. Easements are legal tools defined by state laws (and, in some cases--if federal tax incentives are sought--by federal law) and the advice and assistance of a knowledgeable attorney, tax advisor, appraiser, and/or other professionals should be sought prior to using this tool.

  • A preservation easement is a legal agreement between a private property owner and a nonprofit organization or government agency in which they agree to protect historic character and value of a property.

  • There can be! Depending on the structure, there is potential for federal income tax deduction. We strongly advise talking with your lawyer or tax advisor.

  • A preservation easement protects properties that have historic, architectural, or archaeological significance. A conservation easement protects natural land and open space, but does not always require the land be culturally significant. Preservation easements can be used to preserve important natural land as long as it is historically significant or it contributes to the historic integrity of a structure.

  • Check out the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s website here!