Edwards Mill
Taylors, SC
Grist Mills were a common feature of the colonial and early-American landscape. Often situated along rivers and streams with natural or man-made water falls, they utilized large water wheels to power grinding of flour or corn. Though the Upstate region is known for its large textile mills, these much smaller grist mills were just as common and accessible to the average Upstate resident.
Edwards Mill is a water-powered grist mill that was constructed in the early 1800s. The owner, Joseph Edwards, was a Virginia native and veteran of the American Revolution. In 1787, Joseph, his first wife and seven children moved to South Carolina farm the surrounding 125 acres.
Though these mills were historically very prevalent, Edwards Mill is one of only a handful of grist mills of its kind still standing in Greenville County. Perched on the banks of Mountain Creek, this mill is a stunning example of 19th Century grist mill design. The mill is currently threatened by vandalism and natural deterioration of the property. In addition to short term stabilization, Upstate Preservation Trust is working with the property owners to come up with a long-term plan for the preservation of the property.
UPT has partnered with the property owners to offer assist with stabilization of the structure and guidance for restoring the entire property.
Photo by Travis Cox
UPT has set a fundraising goal of $5,000 to help preserve Edwards Mill. This money will go towards the purchase of materials needed to help stabilize the mill. We will also hire a consultant to write a building condition report for the property, an integral part of the preservation process that will help all stakeholders make informed decisions about how to proceed with the long-term preservation of Edwards Mill. Your donation will directly contribute to these efforts to preserve Edwards Mill.